
ROS Workshop

5th 6th 7th Mar 2021

ROS Workshop

Robots, artificial intelligence and neural networks- the servants of today's technological era, are the rulers of tomorrow. With technology taking gargantuan leaps and bounds each day, there may soon come a day when humans are outwitted.

Technovanza is proud to announce its ROS Workshop, a learning opportunity where you are trained how to simulate robots on the Robot Operating System! With the advancements in technology waiting for no one, this is your chance to glean everything there is about our self-thinking friends!

Event Proposal


Shrenil Chovatiya : +91-9867028257

Vedika Sankpal : +91-7620027951

Registration Process


FAQ step-1

You can find the login button on the Sidebar or on the event description page.


FAQ step-2

After login successful you will be redirected to the registration form, It is important to fill it up before registering for any event.


FAQ step-3

Finally, you can find your Techno ID on the Sidebar and it will be always available to you for further registration of any events. You will have to click on the "Click to copy" Box to copy your Techno ID.

FAQ step-3.1

Above is an example of what a Techno ID looks like, it's a long chain of Alphanumeric text.