

13th, 14th Mar 2021


We have finally received the package and now it is time to deliver on our next task. The eighth mission entails a thrilling battle as we unveil our theme for this year. VRC 8.0 recounts the tale of Uri - The Surgical Strike, one of the major events of this decade. Join us as we watch the battle unfold in this exciting simulation of what happened that fateful day. The directives have been received and the timer has started. Are you ready to relive this momentous day through our carefully built simulation? Come join us in this fight!

Event Proposal


Pratik Sawale : +91-9765779553

Darshan Kedari : +91-9326678523

Registration Process


FAQ step-1

You can find the login button on the Sidebar or on the event description page.


FAQ step-2

After login successful you will be redirected to the registration form, It is important to fill it up before registering for any event.


FAQ step-3

Finally, you can find your Techno ID on the Sidebar and it will be always available to you for further registration of any events. You will have to click on the "Click to copy" Box to copy your Techno ID.

FAQ step-3.1

Above is an example of what a Techno ID looks like, it's a long chain of Alphanumeric text.